Getting a listing on Amazon, versus high-volume daily sales is what separates those who have invested in mentorship and those who have not.
I have 2 programs that I am currently offering:
1: I do all the work till there is a live FBA listing with inventory, and you front all required money i.e inventory, photography, etc. estimated at around $15K
Fee: 50% of net profit for the life of the product.
2: One year of coaching guaranteeing at least 1 product launch on Amazon FBA with stocked inventory
Fee: $15,000 one-time fee. This doesn't include estimated $15,000 in startup costs
I have 10 products on Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Walmart.
I invested in professional development to learn how to sell online. In fact, my initial mentorship program cost more than my Master's Degree from Utah State University.
Please reach out if you are interested in either of these programs: